Welcome to your BOSS Site!
Log in any time to view your benefits, change your beneficiaries, and download useful benefit related documents.
Smart phone users: To view your benefit elections from your mobile phone, download the “bswift benefits” app from your Apple or Android market. Your Client ID will be "access". The mobile application is for viewing purposes only; changes of any kind must be made from a browser.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact your HR Department or FirstWest Benefit Solutions, 801-224-9600.
Username and Password
Typically, your username and password will be your first and last name, all lowercase, with no spaces.
If you are a first time user, your password will be the last four digits of your social security number.
If you have forgotten your password, please click Reset Password or call your HR department or FirstWest Benefit Solutions, 801-224-9600.