Welcome to My KDG Benefits
This is your online Kaman Distribution Group online benefit portal. Access valuable benefits information and make your elections within this site. Simply log in to get started.
Accessing Your Account
Username: The last four digits of your Social Security Number, your first initial, and the first four letters of your last name.
Example: John Smith with SSN: 111-22-1234 = 1234JSMIT
Initial Password: The last four digits of your Social Security Number. You will be asked to change your password after your initial login.
Forgot Your Password?
Click the blue “Forgot Password” link above. On the next page, enter your username or email address to receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Locked Out of Your Account? If you get locked out of your account after too many failed attempts, contact Employee Shared Services at KITHREmployeeServices@kdgcorp.com or 1-800-445-2626 to reset your password.