Login Information

Username: First Initial + Last Name + Last 4 digits of your SSN (Note: For Last Name, do not include suffixes, punctuation, or spaces)
Password: Last 4 digits of your SSN
You will be prompted to change your password.

To reset your password, or if you have exceeded your allowed login attempts, click on the “Forgot Password” link above and follow the instructions. For assistance, please e-mail password@crawfordadvisors.com .

Thank you.


Please e-mail the Benefits Help Desk at Utz@crawfordadvisors.com. or call 877-255-7240. The Help Desk is open Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET.

Need help selecting your employee benefits? Meet ALEX®, your virtual benefits counselor. ALEX® is the host of a unique interactive experience that explains your benefits and crunches numbers to highlight the plans that might make the most sense for you and your family. Better yet he is available 24/7!. To access ALEX® click here.