Welcome to Weatherford Benefits!

How do I access the site?

U.S. Employees

Username: The first four characters of your last name plus your eight digit birth date in MMDDYYYY format. For example, if your last name is 'Smith' and your birth date is 01/01/1975, your username will be 'SMIT01011975'. Be sure to use all capital letters. If your last name is less than 4 characters place an “X” at the end. For example, if your last name is ‘Hu’ and your birth date is 01/01/1975, your username will be ‘HUXX01011975’.

Password: The last four digits of your Social Security Number will be your initial password and you will be required to change your password after your initial login.


International Assignees

Username: This is your network ID located in Employee Connect.

Password: For U.S. Citizen IAs, this is the last 4 digits of your SSN.
For Non-U.S. Citizen IAs, this is the last 4 digits of your employee ID located in Employee Connect.

If you do not know your network ID or employee ID, please contact the Benefits Team at benefits@weatherford.com or your local HR representative. If you are an International Assignee, please contact the IA Benefits team at IA.Benefits@weatherford.com. You will be required to change your password after your initial login.

Please note the browser requirements for this site have changed. You must log in using Internet Explorer version 11.0 and up, Google Chrome or Firefox.

Problems logging in?

If you have problems logging in, please contact the Benefits Team:

Email for US Employees: benefits@weatherford.com
Email for International Assignees: IA.Benefits@weatherford.com 

Toll-Free: 833-978-3774

To: All Weatherford Employees Enrolled in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Plan

Insurers and group health plans are required to publish machine-readable files that contain in-network rates and out-of-network allowed amounts as of July 1, 2022.

To view the machine readable files, please visit https://staging.bcbstx.com/asomrf?EIN=042515019.  These files will be updated by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) on a monthly basis; however, these files are voluminous and are posted in a format required by regulation, and so may not be easily usable by individuals. To find cost information in a more user-friendly format, please use the cost estimator tool found within BCBSTX’s Provider Finder at Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Access for Members.

If you have any questions, please contact BCBSIL at 855-649-9619