Buttons: Advanced


NOTE: Button classes have been updated for August 2017 release for ease of extending the classes. Please read carefully. Click on a button to see recommended markup.

Class Attribute Order

The order of the classes as defined in the class attribute should be as follows: Style, Size, Width, Icon, JavaScript Related Class. JavaScript Related Class must be prefixed with js-

<input class=""btn btn-recommended btn-large btn-wide-full btn-icon-right js-related-class" type="button" name="" value="Example Button Class Order" />

Button Styles

Button elements must have class btn btn-style as noted below.

Default Button

Recommended Button

CTA (Call to Action) Button

Update Button

Simple Buttons

These look like links but occupy the same space as a button.

Secondary Buttons

Secondary Inverse Buttons

When a secondary button is needed on a solid background, use this button style.

Button Sizes

The default button does not need an additional class declaring its size.

Button Widths

Wide Fixed

PLEASE CONSULT UX REGARDING USE. The button is 100% wide and has a max width of 300px.

Wide Full

The button is 100% wide.

Buttons with Icons

Left Button

Right Button

Add Button

Minus Button

Delete Button

Check Button

Edit Button

Refresh Button

Replay Button

Play Button

Download Button

Upload Button

Calculator Button

File Search Dollar Button

Print Button

Email Button

New Folder Button

Grid Button

Clock Button

Audio Button


Provider Search Button

For Default button style only.

Copy Button

Requires specific markup.

Share Button

Works on button or anchor only. Requires specific markup.

Expand/Collapse Buttons

Reset Button

Technically not a button, but it's here for now for documentation purposes.

Select Plan Button on Plan Compare

Enrollment specific. Please consult with UX regarding use.

Enrollment Back Button

Enrollment specific. Works with anchor or button only and is darker because it's on a gray background. Requires specific markup. When inside the Plan Header, color is inversed (changes to white).

Favorite Checkbox/Button

Requires specific markup. Works as container for label + input for checkbox. To disable the favorite button, disable the input element.

Reverse Button

Requires specific markup.