Chip Circle
Use only ONE character.
Not documented as as yet.
Used as a legend to explain a character that may be unfamilar to the reader. Characters must be unique if used as a legend.
Used as color-coding for non-visually impaired users.
When color-coding, always ensure that non-visual or visually-impaired users have another way of understanding the content without relying on color alone.
Example: Navigate to Reports > select any report > expand category accordion to view legend.
Chip Square
Use UP TO SIX characters.
Used as a tooltip usually in a grid, to explain characters that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
The steel or blue color is the most used in these instances because it does not distract from other content in the grid.
Example: Navigate to Exchange Client > Manage Quotes > Go to any quote > Continue through step(s) until you see the population grid.
Used as a tooltip to explain characters that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
Used as color-coding for non-visually impaired users.
When color-coding, always ensure that non-visual or visually-impaired users have another way of understanding the content without relying on color alone.
Example: Used in OutSystems UD (Unified Desktop) design.
Chip Colors
All possible colors available in solid or outline.
In general, red indicates that there is an error while yellow indicate that something needs attention.
Green often indicates a successful or confirmed state.
This may differ per page as designed.
<!-- Example as legend - must always be followed by legend text-->
<span class="chip chip-square chip-square-steel">C</span> - Legend text
<!-- Example as a link -->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="tooltip-link chip chip-square chip-square-steel">C
<span class="tooltip-content">Insert screenreader alternative text here</span>